Building a great enterprise out of your business is your potential and becoming a great enterprise is your companys potential. Learn to become the greatest asset of your business by developing the a "soch" of an entrepreneur and transforming into a leader of your own life.
The reasons why Most of the Entrepreneurs started off their businesses no longer exist. Does that mean that the purpose of the business is lost? Businesses that enjoy enduring success have a core purpose and core values that remain fixed while their business strategies and practices adapt to a changing world. You will discover your purpose, values and create an empowering vision to make your business ready to soar high.
The world is changing too fast for a traditional business plan. You need a map that will guide you from where you are to where you want to be. With an effective plan in place you will be in a better position to help your business grow.
As business grows, running an organization becomes more to do with people skills than anything else. It becomes more about leading people than managing resources, about influencing team members to produce their best than just motivating the team. Learn how to find the very best people and how to inspire, train, reward and lead them to become a dedicated and powerful team.
Never before has the marketing landscape been so competitive. In an age where everything is competing for your customers attention, you must find a better way to stand out amidst the competition learn the new rules of marketing and your unique X factor that separates your business from the noise.
Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it. Learn the tools and gain the optics to understand and manage your cash, not just your bottom line.
“Arha” in Sanskrit means WORTHY and “Samasti” means EXISTENCE.
Arha Samasti is a residential program conducted in the lap of Himalayas so that you detach from your daily operational hassles of business - physically, emotionally and mentally to have a bird’s eye view of your business.
This program is for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who intend to create an Enterprise Worthy of Existence. Arha Samasti focuses on understanding and imbibing a structured, simple and yet powerful approach to business so that organizations become Impactful, Sustainable, Performance Driven and Enjoy a Great Reputation.
The game of business or TGOB is an entrepreneur empowerment program of 1 year for entrepreneurs and businessmen. a brainchild of Manish Gupta, chairman of Chrysalis Group, TGOB program provides a practical business education along with coaching, advising and networking insights.
Through the program, participants will gain insight and skills in topics such as entrepreneurial mindset, vision planning, values & purpose identification, sales & marketing, finance, leadership & human resource optimisation by proper employee management and all this is supported by a strong implementation in their businesses.
Life 360 is a Life Leadership Program by Manish Gupta. This program is about connecting with self, connecting with the universe around and reconnecting with the purpose of our life.
It is more than finding confidence and rather about realising our own perpetuating potential in life. This program is for individuals of all ages who want to find life’s purpose, courage to face challenges, steps to growth, and a channel to initiate a work-family-life balance.
It’s a holistic start to being self-aware, feeling empowered and enhancing self-being. And most importantly, it is about loving self and loving the world we have created which includes all small and big relations.
Ehsaas, is a realisation and nurturing of the most intimate relationship in an individual’s life- with their spouse. A bond between a husband and a wife passes through many ups and downs in the course of life but what holds them together is their commitment to each other. In this (mention course period) of journey, Ehsaas with Manish and Rachna Gupta teaches the way to find love, reignite old love and how to foster love amid all other professional, social and family commitments.
This program is not about fixing something that seems to be lost or broken but about building a bond that’s intense and stronger to withstand all challenges in life. It’s about finding ways and bringing balance to a marital life in between all the chaos of the world.
Wouldn’t it be exciting and empowering to arm yourself with a modus operandi for your business based on techniques, tools and strategies used by world’s leading visionary companies?
Manish Gupta has invested more than 20 years into consulting the most accomplished organizations and business leaders. his connect with the entrepreneurs comes from the fact that he himself is an entrepreneur at heart.his experience as an entrepreneur resonates with his mentees as they find his teachings pragmatic and right on target.
The game of business program is the culmination of all that he has witnessed and learnt from his own experience and also studying world’s leading organizations. you will leave this breakthrough program with the essential tools to shape your business and drive it to incredible success. entrepreneurs have come to realize that today’s business cannot be done with yesterday’s knowledge, today’s teams cannot be led with yesterday’s capabilities, today’s challenges cannot be handled with yesterday’s approach and attitudes.
Chrysalis Entrepreneur Forum is a conglomerate of entrepreneurs that is built during The Game Of Business program. This consortium already includes 850+ entrepreneurs across 30 industries and is chaired by Entrefluencer Manish Gupta. Its sole goal is to help businesses grow by exchange of ideas, experiences and lessons from others in the group.
At Chrysalis, every program is designed in a manner that helps make a positive dent in the GDP of the nation- and CEF enhances this through wisdom of knowledge from leaders and growing entrepreneurs belonging to different industries.
Wouldn’t it be exciting and empowering to arm yourself with a modus operandi for your business based on techniques, tools and strategies used by world’s leading visionary companies?
Manish Gupta has invested more than 20 years into consulting the most accomplished organizations and business leaders. His connect with the entrepreneurs comes from the fact that he himself is an entrepreneur at heart.His experience as an entrepreneur resonates with his mentees as they find his teachings pragmatic and right on target. The game of business program is the culmination of all that he has witnessed and learnt from his own experience and also studying world’s leading organizations. You will leave this breakthrough program with the essential tools to shape your business and drive it to incredible success.
Entrepreneurs have come to realize that today’s business cannot be done with yesterday’s knowledge, today’s teams cannot be led with yesterday’s capabilities, today’s challenges cannot be handled with yesterday’s approach and attitudes.
Life as Chrysalians means that we contribute to our planet in every small and big way possible. Our initiatives are such that have helped impact lives or atleast started a conversation of change for regions and lives in dire need.
TGOB -"Entrepreneurs have come to realize that today's business cannot be done with yesterday's knowledge today's teams cannot be led with yesterday's capabilities and today's challenges cannot be handled with yesterdays approach and attitudes." - Manish Gupta
Arha Samasti empowers the entrepreneurs and businessman with strategies and insights on all the critical aspects of their business. A brainchild of Manish Gupta, Chairman - Chrysalis Group. This Program provides practical business education along with coaching and mentoring.
Through this program, participants will gain insights and skills in topics such as Entrepreneurial Mindset, Vision Planning, Values and Purpose Identification, Sales and Marketing, Finance, Leadership and Human Resource Optimisation. All this is supported by a strong implementation and follow up team.